The way have experience life has made me change my way thinking more than once, am sure it will change again.

What's my purpose in Life? What is anybody's purpose in life? That's a question that we should all deal with. Why are we here? What is the point of life? There is the thought that are purpose of life only known by God. That HE has chosen it for before we were ever born and that part of the reason is to be here for someone else.

Each person is unique; we all have different ideas and opinions, we all practice different beliefs. Our ideas about life are based on our perception, the way we see the world. So, it is only natural that each individual follows their own slightly modified philosophy. My life, my surroundings, my morals- those are what help to shape my personal philosophy.

I strongly believe ones surroundings play a crucial part in the way one learns to interact and function in the world. Your family raises you, instilling their values upon you; they are the ones who teach you right from wrong. As a Child, you are only aware of what the adults in your life tell you, you begin to make choices around what they believe is best. But as you grow and acquire knowledge, you become informed, you are able to think for yourself and begin to make more of your own decisions. I think those values taught you as a Child are always there, but you now have the choice to abide by them or to create your own belief system.

I still have most of life ahead of me; I have not had the time to truly live out my own philosophy yet. To be honest before talking, I really never even questioned my ideas much at all. I would occasionally question the way things were but would never really take the time to dive into them, finding my own answers.

When questioned about your beliefs, you should be able to have the confidence to defend  what you think is right. If you are not willing to stand up for what you believe in, then maybe you are not truly a believer.

I believe this is how one should live his/her life-in honesty. I don't think people should put on a "fake face" or pretend to be something they are not. You should be yourself and express your own thoughts so this way people actually like the REAL you, not someone you are merely  pretending to be.

How do you know what is real? Who
Is to say my reality is not totally different from your own? How do we know what is real if we see the whole world through our own eyes. For those men chained in the cave, their reality was shadows, shadows became real life to them.

How can we be sure that our LIFE is REAL? How do we know what is a DREAM?

To be Continued.

Stay tuned.

Institute of Readers and Thinkers


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