God of infinite possibilities
God of Infinite Possibilities Slogan:When God is involved, take off the Limit I was opportuned to listen to this sermon by Rev Olumuyiwa Okuseinde. He talked about how great our Lord is, how he brings out possible things from impossibilities. God of Infinite Possibilities means you cannot put limit to what he can do, God that is capable of doing something that will blow your mind. He sighted an example of Father Abraham and Sarah, whom God gives a child at old age (an old people), but God showed up and bring out possibilities in impossibilities. (Gen 17:17). He talked about the miracle at the red Sea, when God made a land in between an ocean, a dry land indeed (not a slippery land that will make them fall, not a sinking sand that will swallow them up) Exodus 14:21 Another example is the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:24-34). A woman that has gone to physicians meaning her illness is of medical illness, it's not a spiritual problem because she didn't visit prophets. S...